
These providers are what actually provide the resources that cloudless manages. Changing the provider should change where things are provisioned, but not change anything about the usage of the core API.

The currently supported providers are "gce" for Google Compute Engine, "aws" for Amazon Web Services, and "mock-aws" for Mock Amazon Web Services.

Mock AWS is useful for trying cloudless locally without provisioning any resources.

Example usage:

import cloudless
mock_aws = cloudless.client(provider="mock-aws", credentials={})"example", blueprint="blueprint.yml")

This creates a network named example using the "mock-aws" client. This doesn't actually create the network, but cloudless will think it exists for the duration of the session so the command will show it.


The Mock AWS provider will provision resources using a library called moto, which is a mock client for Amazon Web Services. This means that no resources will get provisioned, but cloudless will see what you create for the duration of your session.

You should not use this directly, but instead pass in the string "mock-aws" as the "provider" in the top level cloudless.Client object.


The GCE Provider will provision resources using Google Compute Engine.

You should not use this directly, but instead pass in the string "gce" as the "provider" in the top level cloudless.Client object.

The AWS provider will provision resources using Amazon Web Services.

You should not use this directly, but instead pass in the string "aws" as the "provider" in the top level cloudless.Client object.